The Red-Tailed Shark (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor) - Fresh Water Aquarium English


Red Tailed Shark
Red Tailed Shark - Epalzeorhynchos bicolor

The Red-Tailed Shark is aggressive toward its own kind, or with other fish that display a similar coloration. Sociability is an important concern when selecting fish for the tank.

The velvet-black body of these cyprinids is offset by the bright red coloration of the tail. Females are larger than males, and their caudal fin is not as brightly colored. Breeding in the typical home aquarium is unrealistic because of their aggressive nature. A single fish in a community is unlikely to be disruptive, but avoid tankmates with a similar coloration, since they may be attacked. Young Red- Tailed Sharks are silvery at first, gaining their red caudal fin when about seven weeks old.
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